By: The Bunker
Whenever you walk into a room,
We all start to sway and swoon.
Your manliness knows no rival,
You're also very adept with the Bible.
You come and visit oh so often,
You make our cold Bunker hearts soften.
You were sweet enough to bring us doughnuts,
Cause you knew when you did, you would make us go nuts.
When you stand against the door with your mug,
We think to ourselves, "What a cool thug!"
We know we're law students and not poets,
But this beats your cupcake by far and you know it!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!! :) :) :) :)
happy bday!!!!!!!!
Who is Corey? I know no Corey...but wish him a happy birthday for me.
Who is Anonymous? I know no anonymous...give him a slap for me.
Anonymous isn't afraid of slapping back, ain't that the brass tack.
Happy Birthday Cory!
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