Here are some of my favorite quotes of the day. Please add your favorite quotes or edit mine!!
C: Apparently in the 1940s they used to call minors...infants, and I was so confused. In this case they talk about an infant convicted of rape and I was like WHAT!
D: If we don't get ice cream today can we take another field trip?
(A jokes with D)
A: Sure just come to my office and say... (kid voice)... Andy can we go get ice cream?
T: I'm from Texas
D: Ooh...I'm sorry....haha I'm messing with it.
T: My eyebrows look so weird.
D: What normally or on the super hero
C: one time I pressed the ebt button at the store and the guy asked me if I used food stamps. I was kind of embarrassed, but then I found five dollars....... that was a bad story. (laughter)
S: That saved it though...
K: Oh no...I wanted chocolate *pout*
J: know what happen...we ate it....
C: K how fluent are you in Spanish?
K: Not.
I'm loving the quotes! Keep collecting them. Just be sure not to identify me when I say something completely goofy.
Wow, just wow
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