Monday, June 11, 2012

Friday, June 1, 2012

Pathetic. . .

At 3:37p.m., someone from the Boiler Room who shall remain nameless infiltrated the Bunker blog to do a bit of his own posting. At 3:38pm, we discovered this act of infiltration (we do work, we promise). At 3:39pm, we deleted said post. At 3:40pm, after an exhaustive investigation which consisted of looking up the blog authors and seeing his FULL NAME in his email address, we were able to identify the interloper. I won't recount the various details of the post at this time--except to say that we know that we are awesome--so awesome that you'd rather post on our blog than your own. But it just doesn't work that way my friend. Put all that time and energy into your own sad one-post blog. Then, maybe you won't have to come to ours to get some readers.

Humble Pie


Interloper you have been discovered and you will be destroyed. We know who you are. Watch your back. ~Pippi

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Bienvenue à la Cage aux Folles

A big Bunker welcome to the Bird Cage: LAJC's new intern room and blog. . .

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Case Assignment, Bunker Room Style

When you think a great case is coming your way. . .

funny gifs

But actually we are all about sharing . . .

funny gifs

In some situations anyway. . .

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

The Boiler is Back

And the Boiler Room has entered the game (better late than never). We approve.

funny gifs

Thursday, May 24, 2012

New Summer, New Interns

The summer has begun, though in the Bunker Room, I'm not sure you would notice, exactly...

And while we must navigate through several corridors to see the light of day (or just go into our boss's office), we enjoy distinct advantages over our Boiler Room counterparts, not the least of which includes much more likely survival in the event of nuclear fallout:

Other perks include closer proximity to the office swag closet and non-unisex bathrooms. Sunlight is totally overrated.
Over the coming weeks you, our devout fans and loyal readers (hi Mom!!), will be able to follow the ups and the downs, the highs and the lows, the stunning victories and the heartbreaking defeats. . .And while our legal skills in these initial assignments may closely resemble this:

We are confident by mid-summer you'll be witnessing something closer to this:

So here's to the Bunker Room 2012--> It won't be too hard to beat a skit that never got posted. Better get on that 2011.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

And then there was one

Several months have passed since the amazing summer of 2011. It was tons of fun while it lasted - this blog didn't even come close to capturing half of the silliness (mostly because we were encouraged to keep it family friendly, or at least PG). I seem to be the only one that can't get enough of this place though -- I still regularly set up shop in the bunker room, doing work. All my other partners in crime have left for greener (or at least better-lit) pastures.

Uploading the skit to the internet turned out to be quite a hassle, but I may get around to it before the summer comes. Maybe. Thanks to everyone who helped make it a success.

Anyhow, in a few short weeks, the new interns will start to be selected for the upcoming summer. I know you'll get to do some great work. However, just letting you know now -- there is no way you'll create a better skit than we did, so don't bother trying.