While looking on craigslist to adopt a dog, despite living in an apartment that does not allow pets, I found this link:
The time has come to put an end to the ruthless catnip consortium’s heartless agenda. The time has come for a new American catnip company, and that time is now, and that company is us. We don’t just sell catnip; we sell justice in a jar. We have sought out and partnered with excusive organic farmers dedicated to hand growing micro batches of the most biologically intense strains of Catnip ever discovered. The result of years of select farming and cultivation can be found here, and only here, in our Crippler Catnippler ™ custom chronic blend. Our Nepetalacton content is out of control - this nip will absolutely blow your cats friggin mind. No other catnip company anywhere in the world can sell you anything that even approaches our level of quality. Sure, others might have something to sell, but they do not have The Chronic, that’s a fact. Just give us a try and ask your cat. Your smallest family member will fall head over paws for the high end quality of our catnip’s premium organic buzz. It's the BOMB!
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